Knauss legislative fellowships in Congress help build careers — and they're fun and educational. See our video and fact sheet for details.
Laura Almodóvar-Acevedo is serving as a legislative fellow for the office of Congressman Alan Lowenthal, representative of California’s 47th District.
Laura is originally from Puerto Rico where she obtained a bachelor's degree in Biology from the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez. She is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore and is specializing in Ecology as part of the Marine Estuarine Environmental Sciences Graduate Program. Her research focuses on juvenile black sea bass habitat use in the Chesapeake Bay. It includes a habitat survey to study their temporal distribution and habitat preferences, a respirometry experiment to measure the effect of temperature on their respiration rates, and a Habitat Suitability Model, based on temperature, salinity and bottom type, to explore the available habitat for them in the bay. This study will help in identifying ecosystem services of specific reefs and help explore the importance of the Chesapeake Bay for juvenile black sea bass.
Throughout her career, she has participated in seafloor mapping expeditions aboard the E/V Nautilus and as part of the on-shore team of the Okeanos Explorer. She also worked as an outreach facilitator for the Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay. In her free time, she enjoys reading, traveling, and playing guitar.
The Chesapeake Rising: Innovative Law and Policy Solutions for Climate Adaptation in Coastal Communities symposium will explore key legal and policy considerations that affect climate adaptation strategies. It provides a unique opportunity for upper-level law students and early-career lawyers to present and publish their legal scholarship.
Knauss legislative fellowships in Congress help build careers — and they're fun and educational. See our video and fact sheet for details.
Maryland Sea Grant has program development funds for start-up efforts, graduate student research, or strategic support for emerging areas of research. Apply here.
Smithville is a community on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, on the edge of the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge. A century ago, Smithville had more than 100 residents. Today, it has four, in two homes: an elderly couple, and one elderly woman and her son, who cares for her.
Mysids are important mesozooplankton prey for many species of fish in Chesapeake Bay and are an important link in transferring energy from lower to upper trophic levels. Mysids also serve as biological vectors for benthic-pelagic coupling due to their diel vertical migration and omnivorous prey-switching behavior, which makes mysids important regulators of food web architecture. Despite their central role in coastal food webs, surprisingly little is known about mysid ecology and dynamics in Chesapeake Bay.
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