The Maryland Sea Grant offices and Bookstore are closed Saturday March 15th through Wednesday March 19th in observance of Spring Break.

Fellowship Experiences


A blog by and about students supported by Maryland Sea Grant

research fellow, SAV study. Photo, Debbie Hinkle

Photo, Debbie Hinkle

Why Language Matters in the Environmental Field

Julissa Murrieta •
Julissa Murrieta discusses the importance of language accessibility and how it's critical break down language barriers, particularly in the environmental field.  Read more...

A Simplified Look at the Knauss Fellowship Application Timeline

Aliya Mejias •
Federal fellowships are a great way to transition into your career after graduate school, but the applications can feel intimidating. If you’re considering the Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship, this blog post will help break down the application timeline.  Read more...

My Year Working with NOAA Fisheries Public Affairs

Paulina Huanca •
Paulina Huanca is a Knauss Fellow at NOAA Fisheries. Her role involves communicating with reporters and developing responses to support stories about agency topics.  Read more...

A Brief History of Poplar Island

Erika Koontz •
Would you believe that the foundations of this vibrant Chesapeake Bay scene are dredge materials at Poplar Island?  Read more...

The Train that Sparked the Clean Water Act

Kai Hardy •
On June 22, 1969, a train chugged along a bridge over the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland. Little did onlookers know, this train would result in one of the most important environmental regulations in the United States.  Read more...

The Blue Crab: Callinectes Sapidus

An essential resource for researchers, students, and managers.  Get your copy today!

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