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Maryland Sea Grant is soliciting proposals for its next two-year funding cycle: February 1, 2018 to January 31, 2020.
Download the slides from our pre-proposal RFP overview webinar.
Download the pre-proposal solicitation.
Download the full proposal guidelines.
Submit your full proposal here.
Webinar: December 20, 2016 at 2:00 PM EST
Webinar for new PIs: January 17, 2017 at 12:00 PM EST
Pre-proposals: January 27, 2017 at 5:00 PM EST
Full Proposals: June 16, 2017 at 5:00 PM EDT
The Maryland Sea Grant College seeks pre-proposals for its next funding cycle, February 1, 2018 to January 31, 2020. Research projects within Maryland's coasts and watersheds focused in three areas will be considered: (1) healthy coastal ecosystems; (2) sustainable fisheries and aquaculture; and (3) resilient communities and economies. This Request for Proposals (RFP) contains a listing of relevant research topics and information about the format and timetable for submitting pre-proposals and proposals. Both small-scale pilot studies and large interdisciplinary research projects will be considered. Principal Investigators (PIs) should focus on outcomes that can be achieved in a 24-month period. Maryland Sea Grant is particularly interested in proposals that have a clear connection to the needs of management and policy and include a clear outreach plan for disseminating that information to targeted audiences. We anticipate supporting 6 to 8 projects at about $70,000 per award per year, contingent on availability of funds. Maryland Sea Grant requires 50% non-federal cost match for each proposal ($1 match for every $2 of Sea Grant funding). Only non-federal funds may be committed as matching contribution.
The RFP document contains information about the format and timetable for submitting pre-proposals and full proposals. PIs must be affiliated with an academic institution or research laboratory in Maryland or the District of Columbia. Co-Principal Investigators (Co-PIs) on projects can be from institutions outside of Maryland. Single investigators and multiple-investigator research teams from different institutions are encouraged to apply. Extension agents are welcome to serve as Co-PIs or senior personnel. We welcome participation from the broad natural and social science research community and invite participation by investigators new to the Maryland Sea Grant RFP process.
Pre-proposals should present a succinct but sufficiently detailed synopsis of the project in order to evaluate its relevance to the Maryland Sea Grant Strategic Plan, its technical feasibility, and the PIs’ qualifications. Pre-proposals undergo an extensive review and a subgroup of those is encouraged for submission as full proposals. Pre-proposals not encouraged forward may still be submitted as full proposals at the PI's discretion. PIs must have submitted a pre-proposal to submit a full proposal. Researchers should conform to the submission policies of their host institution, particularly with regard to institutional endorsements and requirements for original signed signature pages.
On Tuesday, December 20, Maryland Sea Grant hosted a webinar to discuss expectations for outreach in research projects as well as developing the outreach sections of the pre- and full proposals. Tips for developing effective outreach programs and suggestions of potential partners to consider were discussed.
On Tuesday, January 17, Maryland Sea Grant hosted a webinar to discuss the basics for submitting a pre-proposal. Slides from that webinar are available here.
Fredrika Moser, Director
Michael Allen, Associate Director for Research and Administration