The Maryland Sea Grant bookstore is closed from December 10 to January 3.

Annual Report Highlights Successes and Priorities


Last year was a busy one for our program. Our Extension team continued their efforts to help Eastern Shore communities remain resilient in the face of rising water levels, ensure seafood is processed safely, and assist oyster growers in securing business loans. Our communications team continued to produce our magazine, Chesapeake Quarterly, as well as short films and outreach materials. Our educators shared tools to teach aquatic biodiversity with teachers in Sweden and Germany and our sentinel site coordinator developed a data-driven map to tell a comprehensive story about the Chesapeake Bay’s wetlands. Funded research ranged from models for menhaden management to contaminants of emerging concern in Chesapeake waterways. You can read all about the year’s work here > 


About Rona Kobell

Rona Kobell, a former reporter for the Baltimore Sun and the Bay Journal, is a science writer and editor with Maryland Sea Grant

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