

Production of recombinant fish gonadotropins (GtHs) using eukaryotic expression systems and development of a striped bass gth immunoassay

Principal Investigator:

Yonathan Zohar

Start/End Year:

1998 - 2001


Center of Marine Biotechnology, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute

Co-Principal Investigator:

B Weintraub, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, Medical Biotechology Center.; M Szkudlinski, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, Medical Biotechology Center



To produce immunologically and biologically active recombinant striped bass GtH-I and GtH-II, and to develop an enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) for striped bass GtH-I. To use and optimize a novel and generic recombinant DNA approach for expressing biologically and immunologically active gonadotropins of fish, in view of enabling studies on their reproductive endocrinology.

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