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Lipofuscin (LF)-based age determination of blue crabs will be used to measure the rate at which juvenile blue crabs grow and recruit into Chesapeake Bay peeler and hard crab fisheries during summer and fall months. We seek to develop a temperature-based growth model for juvenile blue crabs and apply this model to predict monthly fishery yield patterns.
Harvey, HR; Secor, DH; Ju, SJ. 2008. The use of extractable lipofuscin for age determination of crustaceans: Reply to Sheehy (2008). Marine Ecology Progress Series353:307 -311. doi:10.3354/meps07353. UM-SG-RS-2008-06.
Puckett, BJ; Secor, DH; Ju, SJ. 2008. Validation and application of lipofuscin-based age determination for Chesapeake Bay blue crabs Callinectes sapidus. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society137(6):1637 -1649. doi:10.1577/T07-278.1. UM-SG-RS-2008-09.
Murphy, RF; Secor, DH. 2006. Fish and blue crab assemblage structure in a US mid Atlantic coastal lagoon complex. Estuaries and Coasts29(6):1121 -1131. UM-SG-RS-2006-16.
Ju, SJ; Secor, DH; Harvey, HR. 2003. Demographic assessment of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) in Chesapeake Bay using extractable lipofuscins as age markers. Fishery Bulletin101(2):312 -320. UM-SG-RS-2003-32.