The Maryland Sea Grant offices and Bookstore are closed Saturday March 15th through Wednesday March 19th in observance of Spring Break.



A Chesapeake Bay Evaluation of Deoxygenation as a Ballast Water Treatment to Prevent Aquatic Invasions

Principal Investigator:

Mario N. Tamburri

Start/End Year:

2003 - 2004


Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Co-Principal Investigator:

Gregory M. Ruiz, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center


The basic objective of our proposed work is to quantify the effectiveness of deoxygenation in removing ballast water organisms while reducing ballast tank corrosion and to provide the information required to evaluate the feasibility of Venturi Oxygen Stripping as a cost-effective ballast water treatment. Specifically we proposed to:

  • Quantify levels of mortality for planktonic organisms found in Chesapeake Bay (zooplankton, phytoplankton, and microbes) after treatment with the Venturi Oxygen Stripping system a function of time after exposure to hypoxia.
  • Quantify corrosion rate of carbon steel under deoxygenated conditions and establish corrosion mechanism.

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