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Tests of ANS Risk Analysis II: Population dynamics and demographics of US transcoastal invaders

Principal Investigator:

A. Whitman Miller

Start/End Year:

2003 - 2007


Smithsonian Environmental Research Center

Co-Principal Investigator:

Gregory M. Ruiz, Mark E. Torchin, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center; James T. Carlton, Williams College, Mystic Seaport


The primary objective is to test the robustness of key assumptions that underlie current invasive species risk assessments (i.e., demography of native populations predicts demographic behavior of populations in non-native locations). By investigating multiple populations of two marine invaders, Gemma gemma and Rhithropanopeus harrisii in their native and non-native regions, and then comparing these results to those of our current research on the marine invader Littorina saxatilis, we will compile important demographic data that are now lacking. These data can then be used to model population dynamics of the marine invasion process more explicitly than is possible now and will generate important information to enhance biologically based risk assessments.

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