

Characterizing the performance of the Suminoe Oyster, Crassostrea ariakensis, in Maryland waters

Principal Investigator:

Kennedy T. Paynter, Jr.

Start/End Year:

2003 - 2006


University of Maryland, College Park, Department of Biology

Co-Principal Investigator:

Donald Meritt, Horn Point Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science; Standish K. Allen, Virginia Institute Of Marine Studies



Compare the growth, disease acquisition, mortality and potential reef structure creation of sterile triploid Crassostrea ariakensis and sterile tripoid C. virginica at four sites in the Chesapeake Bay.

Related Publications:

Hare, MP; Allen, SK; Bloomer, P; Camara, MD; Carnegie, RB; Murfree, J; Luckenbach, M; Meritt, D; Morrison, C; Paynter, K; Reece, KS; Rose, CG. 2006. A genetic test for recruitment enhancement in Chesapeake Bay oysters, Crassostrea virginica, after population supplementation with a disease tolerant strain. Conservation Genetics7(5):717 -734. doi:10.1007/s10592-005-9108-3. UM-SG-RS-2006-07.

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