The Maryland Sea Grant offices and Bookstore are closed Saturday March 15th through Wednesday March 19th in observance of Spring Break.



Coastal Economy Data and Analysis

Principal Investigator:

Jonathan G. Kramer

Start/End Year:

2010 - 2012


Maryland Sea Grant College

Strategic focus area:

Viable coastal communities and economies


OBJECTIVES: The objective of this program is to develop a robust socioeconomics program to support the development of ecosystem based fisheries management and provide new national models/tools in this regard. METHODOLOGY: Funds are requested for three linked activities. These include a new targeted solicitation for projects to be focused on achieving a short-term understanding of socioeconomic reference points for five key species in Chesapeake Bay. Second, we will support continuation of an ongoing research project directed to the use of existing long-term economic data series to provide fishery and coastal managers and policymakers with greater information about the communities and industries their decisions impact. The third project will examine issues pertaining to allocating allowable catch between the recreational and commercial sectors. The entire program will be administered by Maryland Sea Grant. RATIONALE: Socioeconomic analysis are essential to the development of EBFM, both in Chesapeake Bay and nationwide. This effort will directly address NOAA Sea Grant's goal to Protect, Restore and Manage the Use of Coastal and Ocean Resources through an Ecosystem Approach to Management. In addition, it is part of a much broader effort to protect and restore Chesapeake Bay. The development of EBFM is one of the primary goals of that regional program. The work funded here will bring new concepts and tools to bear.

Related Publications:

Woodward, RT; Tomberlin, D. 2014. Practical precautionary resource management using robust optimization. Environmental Management54(4):828 -839. doi:10.1007/s00267-014-0348-1. UM-SG-RS-2014-19.

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