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Research Publications: UM-SG-RS-2020-26



Investigation of Approaches for Reproductive Sterilization of Sablefish




Luckenbach, A.; Hayman, E.; Fairgrieve, W.; Wong, T.; Zohar, Y.; Huynh, T.B.


World Aquaculture
51 ( 2 ) : 56 - 57


Escapement is an ecological concern for marine finfishes reared in net-pen systems. Non-native, selectively bred, or genetically modified fish may interbreed with wild stocks, leading to reduced fitness and possible extinction of native populations. The use of reproductively sterile fish is an effective strategy to avoid these effects. In addition, sterile fish may grow faster by minimizing energy allocation to gonadal development and may provide a means for producers to safeguard against unauthorized propagation of proprietary strains. Toward this end, we have initiated research to test three non-GMO approaches for reproductive sterilization: high temperature exposure during early development, triploidy induction and gene silencing technology. Sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria is being used as a marine model species for this line of research because it is an emerging species for net-pen aquaculture in the USA and Canada (Fig. 10) and its sex determination system (XX/XY system; Rondeau et al. 2013, Luckenbach et al. 2017) and early reproductive development (Smith et al. 2013; Luckenbach and Fairgrieve 2016) have been characterized.

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