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Research Publications: UM-SG-RS-2003-05



Periphyton as a UV-B filter on seagrass leaves: a result of different transmittance in the UV-B and PAR ranges.




Brandt, LA; Koch, EW


Aquatic Botany
76 ( 4 ) : 317 - 327




Periphyton is considered detrimental to seagrasses as it reduces the amount of light, i.e. photosynthetically available radiation (PAR), that reaches the plant surface. This study evaluated the possibility that periphyton can also be beneficial to seagrasses by reducing ultraviolet (UV)-B radiation that reaches seagrass leaves. Periphyton on UV-B transparent artificial leaves transmitted a significantly lower amount of radiation in the UV-B than in the PAR range. Therefore, periphyton is an effective UV-B filter on seagrass leaves.

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