Jennifer Middleton, Fisk University


Class Year:



Carys Mitchelmore, Ph.D.

Project Title:

Determining Baseline Levels of Biomarkers in the Arctic Whelk, Neptunea heros


Establishing biomarkers for a particular species at a specific area is very important to determine the significance of contamination, and it can help identify pollutants and their source. There are many known types of PAHs in oil that are toxic to marine organisms hat range in their toxicity. Neptunea heros, an arctic whelk found in Northwest Alaska was used as a bioindicator to establish baseline levels to test for antioxidant and PAH exposure with a GST and EROD assay. Small activity were found in the EROD and GST assays, as compared to controls.


Chesapeake Biological Laboratory


Middleton, J.*, and A. Pyrtle. 2011. Determination of percent moisture, organic matter and carbonate at Emerson Point, Tampa Bay . ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico .

The REU students are indicated with an asterisk (*).

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