Eight students will be presenting the summer work at the Ocean Sciences Meeting in March 2022!
The Maryland Sea Grant offices and Bookstore are closed Saturday March 15th through Wednesday March 19th in observance of Spring Break.
Analysis of Ribosomal Rna Genes in Chesapeake Bay Bacterioplankton Fosmid Libraries
Aquatic microbial species have been proven to be difficult to culture and thus hard to study. The use of genetic analysis has begun to fill the knowledge regarding aquatic microbes. Analyses of ribosomal RNA genes in fosmid libraries constructed from bacterioplankton from surface waters of the Chesapeake Bay has revealed the presence of several groups of marine/estuarine microbes. Through PCR, sequencing, and phylogentic analysis, several aquatic bacterial groups have been identified. These include, but are not limited to Thiobacillus (Betaproteobacteria), Delftia (Betaproteobacteria), Verrucomicrobia, Synechococcus, Bacteroidetes, Paenibacillus (Firmicutes), and Actinobacteria.
Santos-Corujo, S.*. 2007. A comparison of microbial pathogen bioaccumulation in Crassotrea virginica and Crassostrea ariakensis. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico .