Maryland Sea Grant launched this monograph series on the Chesapeake Bay, entitled Chesapeake Perspectives, as a platform for scholars, researchers, and other experts to share their insights into the Bay's physical, biological, and cultural complexities, its mysteries and conflicts.
The series of invited essays features a wide range of thinkers, including anthropologists, biologists, fisheries experts, environmental policy experts, and others in the social and physical sciences.
Copies of Chesapeake Perspectives are available for $9.95 each for the first three volumes, and $12.95 for the fourth and fifth. A free review copy may be available to educators and others. For information, contact us at
Donald F. Boesch 2025. UM-SG-CP-2024-01 188 pp.
Now available from Maryland Sea Grant!
The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) traces its origins to the establishment of the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory in 1925. Originally directed to conduct scientific studies on Maryland’s… [more]
Brush, Grace 2017. UM-SG-CP-2017-01 72 pp.
The sediments of Chesapeake Bay harbor a record of the Bay's ecology, from its "natural functioning" thousands of years before European colonization through post-Colonial settlement and the continuing forest clearance throughout the watershed. Translating that record into a history of ecological… [more]
Houde, Edward D 2011. UM-SG-CP-2011-01 128 pp.
This monograph is a major assessment of the state of key species in the Chesapeake Bay — the eastern oyster, blue crab, striped bass, and Atlantic menhaden — and of the prospects for shifting from single-species fisheries management to multispecies and ecosystem based fisheries management (EBFM… [more]
Paolisso, Michael 2011. UM-SG-CP-2011-02
In the first issue of this monograph series, Chesapeake Perspectives, cultural anthropologist Dr. Michael Paolisso provides his perspectives on environmentalism and the Chesapeake. Building on his studies of diverse communities—from watermen to farmers to scientists—he presents a unique view of… [more]
Matuszeski, William 2008. UM-SG-CP-2008-01 48 pp.
William Matuszeski examines efforts to restore the Chesapeake Bay and what is at times an uncomfortable relationship between scientists and managers. He notes how "sound science" can be used as a compass to guide restoration efforts or as a label to pay lip service. In some quarters, he says,… [more]
Chambers, Erve 2006. UM-SG-CP-2006-02 54 pp.
Erve Chambers questions the often expressed view that Bay cultures are "dying." According to Chambers, a characteristic that most defines the iconic Eastern Shore watermen is their resilience, their capacity to make do. Watermen and their families pass down a range of skills, the daily lessons… [more]