Knauss legislative fellowships in Congress help build careers — and they're fun and educational. See our video and fact sheet for details.
Several offices are seeking to host potential State Science Policy Fellows in 2021. These include:
All USM institutions are actively working to reduce campus carbon emissions and are signatories to the carbon reduction goals reporting program hosted by Second Nature. All State-funded buildings are constructed to LEED-Silver (or equivalent) standards and meet additional energy, environmental and water/stormwater-related requirements as “High Efficiency Buildings” under State law. The President of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) serves as both the Vice President and USM lead on sustainability. UMCES has a unique mission to provide the predictive ecology and education programs to guide how Maryland manages Chesapeake Bay and its natural resources. Service to the state of Maryland includes the Maryland Climate Change Commission (MCCC), CoastSmart Council, and the Governor's Bay Cabinet. UMCES also has the responsibility of seeking experts to provide advice as requested by state agencies or commissions.
This Maryland Sea Grant State Science Policy Fellow will report to the President of UMCES and serve as part of a cohort of Fellows supporting the state and USM’s response to sustainability and climate change. Activities will include development of white papers or information sheets, usually working with others from USM, state and federal agencies, NGOs and the private sector. This fellowship will be an opportunity to engage at senior levels of USM and state government around a broad range of science policy issues related to resilience, mitigation and adaption to climate change. The position will serve as a liaison between the MCCC Science and Technology Working Group and the other Working Groups in the Commission and engaging USM experts as appropriate. Specific activities will evolve throughout 2021 in response to the completion of the state's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan and changes in federal approaches to climate change. In addition, the fellow will coordinate with sustainability, facilities, and project management offices at USM institutions (primarily through the USM office) to support USM efforts to enhance the environmental benefits of ongoing sustainability activities; improve performance of USM institutions in reported environmental metrics; and relate positive impacts to the State (e.g., agencies, workgroups, commissions, Board of Public Works), national/international commissions and conferences (e.g., UNCCC/COP), and the general public. Travel opportunities may include participation in national or international conferences.
The Maryland Department of the Environment’s vision is for healthy, vibrant and sustainable communities and ecosystems in Maryland. It works to achieve this vision through its mission to protect and restore the air, land and water for the health and well-being of all Marylanders. MDE leads Governor Hogan's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to the potential consequences of climate change while creating jobs and benefiting the economy, as required by the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act (GGRA) of 2009 and 2016. Although many initiatives throughout the State contribute to these efforts, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and the Maryland Commission on Climate Change (chaired by MDE Secretary Ben Grumbles) are key efforts by MDE.
The Maryland Sea Grant State Science Policy Fellow placed with Maryland’s Department of the Environment’s Climate Program will report directly to Chris Hoagland, Climate Change Programs Manager, and MDE staff for the Maryland Climate Change Commission (MCCC). The fellow’s position would participate in a broad range of activities around climate policy for the state and the region. The MCCC, with diverse representation of government, industry and environmental leaders drive’s Maryland’s actions on climate change. The fellow will work closely with MDE to influence MCCC policy, allowing the fellow the opportunity to interact at the highest levels of state government with expectations to brief key leadership including the Chairs and Co-chairs of the MCCC, the Secretary of the Maryland Department of the Environment, and the State Treasurer. The position will provide meaningful input to statewide efforts as well as influencing regional climate change goals, through the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and the Transportation Climate Initiative. Further, the fellow would work with three of the MCCC's workgroups: Education Communication and Outreach; Mitigation; Scientific and Technical. Key topics include climate justice and environmental justice initiatives. The fellow will be expected to work with MDE staff to provide lawmakers with meaningful assessments of proposed legislation about climate change, mitigation and adaptation, including state legislative leadership. Specific activities would include working with other state agencies to advance blue carbon assessments, advance offset protocols, and develop market-based programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the fellow will gain valuable project and policy management skills as the lead on Maryland's interagency Ocean Acidification Plan.
The mission of the Maryland Environmental Service is to provide operational and technical services to protect and enhance the environment for the benefit of the people of Maryland. As a not-for-profit business unit of the state of Maryland, MES provides multi-disciplinary environmental compliance services to enhance and protect the environment through innovative solutions to the region’s most complex environmental challenges. MES combines public sector commitment with private sector flexibility and responsiveness. MES receives no direct operations funding from the state and does not have regulatory authority. Key areas of focus include waste management, dredging and restoration, advancing clean and climate responsive infrastructure and engineering services and storm and wastewater management.
The Maryland Sea Grant State Science Policy fellow placed with Maryland’s Environmental Service will report directly to the MES Director, Dr. Charles Glass, Ph.D., P.E. The Fellow will participate in a broad range of activities around Policy and Environmental Research, to include Climate Change Resiliency Impacts for our business units, forward thinking technologies and how they could benefit MES and the State of Maryland.