Shellfish Conferences


Maryland Sea Grant Extension organizes aquaculture conferences to help shellfish growers start and run profitable businesses. The conferences feature experts who give presentations on topics such as starting a business, obtaining a lease, financing, production, management, marketing, and equipment and supplies. Conferences are co-sponsored by the University of Maryland Extension, Maryland Sea Grant, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, the Oyster Recovery Partnership, and the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office. Provided below are pdfs of past conference agendas and select presentations. To find out about future conferences, contact Eastern Shore Agent Don Webster.


Maryland Shellfish Aquaculture Conference 2013

April 8, 2013


Agenda (pdf)


Maryland Shellfish Aquaculture Conference 2011

November 15, 2011


Agenda (pdf)

Selected Presentations

Opportunities in Shellfish Aquaculture - Karl Roscher, Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Planning for Profit in Shellfish Aquaculture - Matt Parker, University of Maryland Extension

MARBIDCO Shellfish Aquaculture Loan Fund - Steve McHenry, Maryland Department of Agriculture & Resources Based Industries Development Corporation

Creating Value for Your Oysters - Steve Vilnit, Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Shellfish Leasing Procedures - Rebecca Thur, Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Other Shellfish Permits - Katie Busch, Maryland Department of Natural Resources,/p> Oyster Aquaculture Education and Training Program - Don Webster, Maryland Sea Grant Extension

Remote Setting Training (RST) 2011 Activities - Stephan Abel, Oyster Recovery Partnership

Growers Experiences - Eric Wisner, Nanticoke and Terry Witt, Shadyside

Choosing a Lease: NOAA's Oyster Data Tool - Peter Bergstrom, NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office

Cage Production - Johnny Shockley, Hoopers Island Oyster Aquaculture

Float Production - Luke Breza, Great Eastern Shellfish and Snow Hill Oysters

Shellfish Harvest Requirements - Erin Butler, Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene


Maryland Aquaculture Conference 2010

November 9-10, 2010

Agenda (pdf)

Selected Presentations

Working for You: Aquaculture Review Board & Coordinating Council - Karl Roscher, Maryland Department of Agriculture

2009 Lease Law: Rebuilding Our Industry - Don Webster, University of Maryland Sea Grant Extension

Permits for Off Bottom Shellfish Culture - Karl Roscher, Maryland Department of Agriculture

Disease Outlook & Management - Chris Dungan, Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Learning for Success: Aquaculture Education & Training Program - Don Webster, University of Maryland Sea Grant Extension

Locating Shell & Cultch & Importing Material - Mike Naylor, Maryland Department of Agriculture

Martha's Vineyard Shellfish Company, Massachusetts - Rick Karney

Johnny Oysterseed, Maryland - Jon Farrington

Stump Cove Oyster Company, Maryland - Dick Balling and Cheyenne Abott

A National Voice for Shellfish - Bob Rheault, East Coast Shellfish Growers Association

Supporting Aquaculture Development - Stephan Abel, Oyster Recovery Partnership

Vibrio Issues in Shellfish - Bob Rheault, East Coast Shellfish Growers Association

Maryland Marketing Programs - Noreen Eberly, Maryland Department of Agriculture

Transitioning from Harvester to Grower - Perry Raso, Rhode Island

Business Models for Shellfish - Doug Lipton, Maryland Sea Grant Extension

Developing a Successful Plan for Your Business - Shannon Dill, University of Maryland

Maryland Agriculture and Resource Based Industries Development Corporation (MARBIDCO) - Steve McHenry, MARBIDCO


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