Due to inclement weather, Maryland Sea Grants Offices are closed on Monday, January 6th.

Habitat Restoration and Conservation


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Technical assistance


The Chesapeake & Coastal Service works with federal, state and local governments, conservation groups and private citizens to apply innovative best management practices that reduce harmful run-off from entering the State’s waters.

Support Type:

Technical Assistance

Restoration Activity:

Living Shorelines: Living shorelines are the result of applying erosion control measures that include a suite of techniques that can be used to minimize coastal erosion and maintain coastal process. Assistance is provided by CCS’s Shoreline Conservation Service staff through site visits and evaluations, problem assessments and recommended solutions.
Shoreline Conservation Service: Provides technical and financial assistance to Maryland property owners in resolving shoreline and stream bank erosion problems. Assistance is provided through site visits and evaluations, problem assessments and recommended solutions.
Community Restoration Program: Works to strengthen public outreach and engagement in on-the-ground restoration as well as increase locally led restoration projects. Staff provides assistance to local governments, watershed groups and community organizations in aligning restoration efforts with the Chesapeake Bay TMDL effort and Watershed Implementation Plan goals.


Private landowner of any property abutting a body of water in Maryland.

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