Due to inclement weather, Maryland Sea Grants Offices are closed on Monday, January 6th.

Marine Sewage Pumpout Grant


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Clean Vessel Act Grant (CVA) Program has awarded grants to States for pump out stations and waste reception facilities that dispose of sewage from recreational boaters. The proper disposal of sewage from vessels at these sites reduces the discharge of raw sewage into bodies of water.

Support Type:

Funding Assistance

Available Funding:

The Department of Natural Resources offers reimbursements of up to $15,000 for eligible applicants. Funding for the Marine Sewage Pump out Grant comes from the federal CVA program (75%) and the Maryland Waterway Improvement Fund (25%).

Restoration Activity:

These funds are available for the purchase and installation of marine sewage pump-out facilities, which State law requires for all new marinas and expanding marinas (more than 10 slips), existing marinas with 50 or more slips berthing any boats over 22’. Supplemental funding for yearly pump-out operations and maintenance is also available, as is funding to upgrade or even replace existing pump-out facilities.


Marine sewage pump-out facilities with all new marinas and expanding marinas (more than 10 slips), and marinas with 50 or more slips berthing boats over 22’.

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