Due to inclement weather, Maryland Sea Grants Offices are closed on Monday, January 6th.

Water Quality Revolving Loan Fund

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The Water Quality Revolving Loan Fund (WQRLF) provides financial assistance for a wide variety of projects to protect or improve the quality of Maryland's rivers, streams, lakes, the Chesapeake Bay and other water resources. This program is administered through the Maryland Department of the Environment to improve water quality through prevention of damage from point and nonpoint source pollution. Targets financial assistance to projects that help meet the State’s nutrient reduction objectives for nitrogen and phosphorus, restore surface water quality, and restore biological integrity within priority water bodies.

Support Type:

Funding Assistance

Available Funding:

Reimbursable loans can be provided for up to 100% of cost, typically interest rates are 45% of market rate (usually 2.25% - 4.8%); 5% of total is paid as administrative fee to MDE.

Funding Range:

$17,000 to $50 million. These loans provide for up to 100% of a project’s capital costs, with no requirement of matching funds.

Restoration Activity:

Streambank stabilization, shoreline erosion control, restoration of riparian buffers and wetlands, conservation easements, wellhead protection, landfill closure, hazardous waste clean-up (brownfields), Agricultural Nutrient Management Plans, Soil Conservation and Water Quality Plans.


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