Due to inclement weather, Maryland Sea Grants Offices are closed on Monday, January 6th.

Wild Acres Program


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Technical assistance


Maryland’s Wild Acres is a voluntary program which encourages Maryland citizens to create backyard wildlife habitat. The Wild Acres program offers fact sheets on how landowners can enhance their habitat for wildlife by creating food, water and shelter resources. In addition to providing fact sheets, a quarterly publication, http://dnr.maryland.gov/wildlife/Pages/habitat/habichat.aspx, is produced which highlights native plants, animals and habitat-enhancing activities.

Support Type:

Technical Assistance

Restoration Activity:

Planting backyard habitat to increase food and shelter for wildlife, reduce sediment in waterways, conserve water, improve water quality, inspire stewardship and beautify the landscape.


Landowners. Backyard wildlife habitat can include decks, yards, large lots and everything in between.

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