Newsletter From Maryland Sea Grant Extension Receives Top Awards

May 7, 2015
cover of issue of Headwaters newsletter

Headwaters, a newsletter produced by the Maryland Sea Grant Extension Program that describes issues and activities related to stormwater management and promotes the use of sustainable practices in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, received top awards in two national competitions.

The newsletter received first-place awards in the category of “Newsletter, Team” from the National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA). The Maryland Association of County Agricultural Agents (MACAA) gave the publication a first-place award in the same category.

Headwaters also received the 2015 Bronze Award in the "Newsletter/Series of Articles" category from the Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals (ANREP).

The newsletter is written by the Extension program's five watershed restoration specialists: Krisztian Varsa (editor), Eric Buehl, Jen Dindinger, Amanda Rockler, and Jackie Takacs. They work in different regions around Maryland (find the specialist for your region here) and promote projects that are intended to enhance water quality in the Bay and its tributaries. Examples include helping local groups and homeowners to design and build rain gardens to reduce stormwater runoff as well as providing technical advice and support to local governments. The specialists have also created a Maryland Watershed Restoration Assistance Directory listing organizations that provide funding or give technical assistance to support these efforts.

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