The Maryland Sea Grant bookstore is closed from December 10 to January 3.



 As an organization serving Maryland and supported by federal and state funding, we are charged with ensuring that our research, education, and outreach efforts are carried out in the most effective way possible. To that end, Maryland Sea Grant maintains a governance and advisory structure that provides crucial oversight and guidance.

Through its many components, our governance structure:

  • Strengthens essential linkages
  • Maintains clear programmatic identity at state, region, and national levels
  • Provides access for diverse stakeholders from across the state to give input
  • Allows academic and research institutions to contribute their expertise
  • Maximizes the effectiveness of our program

Governance Board Members

Jay A. Perman, Chancellor, University System of Maryland
Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm, Interim President, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES)
Darryll J. Pines, President, University of Maryland, College Park

The three members represent the broad interests of the University System of Maryland (USM) and higher education in Maryland. They provide practical governance of our program and work to strengthen partnerships between USM, the state of Maryland, and the National Sea Grant program. The University of Maryland, College Park manages University of Maryland Extension, of which Maryland Sea Grant Extension is a part.

Responsible Institution

The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) is the institution responsible for the direct supervision and management of our program. A part of USM, UMCES sponsors research, education, and public service related to the environment and non-agricultural natural resources.

Institutional Council Members

Vice Chancellor Michele Masucci, University System of Maryland
President Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Vice President Provost Jennifer King Rice, University of Maryland, College Park
Dean Craig Beyrouty, University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Dean Moses Kairo, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Director Scott Knoche, Morgan State University
Director Anson Hines, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Dr. Anand Gnanadesikan, Johns Hopkins University
Director Fredrika Moser, Maryland Sea Grant College

Many academic institutions across Maryland help us to support research, education, and outreach activities. The Institutional Council (IC) is a group of representatives from each location. The IC plays an important role in accountability and development of programmatic guidance for our program. They report their findings and advice to the Governance Board.

External Advisory Board Members

Allison Colden, Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Jana Davis, Chesapeake Bay Trust
Anna Killius, Chesapeake Bay Commission
William Matuszeski, U.S. EPA Chesapeake Bay Program (retired)
Thomas Miller, UMCES Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
Jaelon Moaney, The Starr Center for the Study of the American Experience, Washington College
Ruby Stemmle, ecoLatinos
Jabari Walker, Bowie State University
Dave Wilson, Conservation Community Consulting, LLC

The External Advisory Board (EAB) is our primary link to important external clients in Maryland. The EAB’s membership consists of diverse stakeholders who represent key government agencies at the state and federal level, marine-related industries, and educational and service organizations. The EAB provides regular advice on our efforts to connect with Maryland constituents through our strategic plan and outreach activities.

Academic Advisory Committee Member Affiliations

American University
Chesapeake Bay Program
Johns Hopkins University
Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary
United States Naval Academy
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Water Resources Research Institute, University of the District of Columbia

The Academic Advisory Committee (AAC) is the primary adviser to the research portion of our program. Members participate in reviewing proposals submitted for funding, evaluating their scientific merit and programmatic fit. Members of the AAC are commonly affiliated with institutions represented in our Institutional Council.


Maryland Sea Grant's External Advisory Board on a visit to Hart-Miller Island. Back row, from left: Beth McGee, Marty Gary, Dave Blazer, Adam Ortiz, Ann Swanson, William Matuszeski, Eric Schwaab, Jana Davis, and Thomas Miller. Front row: Catrise Cannady (MDSG staff), Fredrika Moser (director, Maryland Sea Grant), and Mark Bryer. Photo: Jeffrey Brainard


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