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Monoclonal Antibody ELISA Assay for Detection of Perkinsus marinus in Oyster Tissues

Principal Investigator:

Christopher F. Dungan

Start/End Year:

1997 - 2001


Maryland Department of Natural Resources



Produce, clone, and cryopreserve, immortal rmurine hybridomos secreting IgG class monoclonal antibodies (MAB) which bind to P marinus cell walls and soluble proteins. Test binding specificities of MABs for P marinus using fluorescence immunoessays of various histological samples containing diverse Perkinsus sp. pathogens, and other possible related protozoans. Optimize MAB utilities as ELISA assay reagents, evaluate clinical performance of MAB diagnostic ELISA assay, and localize subcellular MAB binding epitopes.

Related Publications:

Jordan, SJ; Coakley, JM. 2004. Long-term projections of eastern oyster populations under various management scenarios. Journal of Shellfish Research23(1):63 -72. UM-SG-RS-2004-16.

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