The Maryland Sea Grant offices and Bookstore are closed Saturday March 15th through Wednesday March 19th in observance of Spring Break.

Design a Zebrafish Experiment



Students must use their new knowledge of zebrafish development to design an experiment. The focus question to be answered by the experiment is, "How does development affect an organism's development"?


Students will be able to answer how the environment affects development of organisms by designing and conducting an original experiment.

Lesson Materials

Live zebrafish and/or embryos, determined by availability and teacher preference.
Design an HSA Rubric
Zebrafish Experiment Outline


Using their new knowledge, students will design their own zebrafish experiment using the complete scientific method to answer the following question: How does the environment affect development? Experiments will be scored using the standard H.S.A. type rubric.


MD High School Assessment models,

Maryland State Standards

The student will recognize that real problems have more than one solution and decisions to accept one solution over another are made on the basis of many issues.  
The student will modify or affirm scientific ideas according to accumulated evidence.
The student will identify meaningful, answerable scientific questions.
The student will pose meaningful, answerable scientific questions. (NTB)
The student will test a working hypothesis. (NTB) 
The student will select appropriate instruments and materials to conduct an investigation.
The student will identify appropriate methods for conducting an investigation (independent and dependent variables, proper controls, repeat trials, appropriate sample size, etc.).
The student will use relationships discovered in the lab to explain phenomena observed outside the laboratory.
The student will develop and demonstrate skills in using lab and field equipment to perform investigative techniques. (NTB)
The student will recognize safe laboratory procedures.
The student will demonstrate safe handling of the chemicals and materials of science. (NTB)
The student will learn the use of new instruments and equipment by following instructions in a manual or from oral direction. (NTB)
The student will organize data appropriately using techniques such as tables, graphs, and webs (for graphs: axes labeled with appropriate quantities, appropriate units on axes, axes labeled with appropriate intervals, independent and dependent variables on correct axes, appropriate title).
The student will analyze data to make predictions or decisions or to draw conclusions.
The student will use experimental data from various investigators to validate results.
The student will describe trends revealed by data.
The student will determine the sources of error that limit the accuracy or precision of experimental results.
The student will use analyzed data to confirm, modify, or reject an hypothesis.
The student will demonstrate the ability to summarize data (measurements/observations).
The student will explain scientific concepts and processes through drawing, writing, and/or oral communication.
The student will communicate conclusions derived through a synthesis of ideas.
The student will judge the reasonableness of an answer.
The student will be able to discuss factors involved in the regulation of chemical activity as part of a homeostatic mechanism.
The student will explain processes and the function of related structures found in unicellular and multicellular organisms.
The student will conclude that cells exist within a narrow range of environmental conditions and changes to that environment, either naturally occurring or induced, may cause changes in the metabolic activity of the cell or organism.
Design and conduct the research. Methods of data collection may include field or laboratory questionnaire/opinionnaire.

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