Student Research Papers and Presentations

student looking into bowl with estuarine creature

A number of students have presented the results of their summer research at scientific conferences; students have also been co-authors in scientific papers with their advisors. The list below is a snapshot of some of student publications and presentations.

The REU students are indicated with an asterisk (*).


Quillen, K.*, N. Santos, J.M. Testa, and R. Woodland. 2022. Coastal hypoxia reduces trophic resource coupling and alters niche characteristics of an ecologically dominant omnivore . AFS Tidewater Meeting, Outer Banks, NC

Rico, I.*, L. Lapham, and E. Hobbs. 2022. Impact of sedimentary methane flux on the water column in the Patuxent River. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Virtual

Rodriguez, A.* and L. Harris. 2017. Nitrogen fluxes in tidal creeks of the Patuxent River . ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii

Rodriguez, C. M.*, and J. M. O'Neil. 2013. Identifying nitrogen and microbial contaminant hotspots in tributaries of Johnson Bay, Maryland coastal bays . ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana

Roman, M., and K. Rhinehart*. 1989. Effect of low dissolved oxygen on Chesapeake Bay copepods . Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Conference, Baltimore, Maryland

Rooker, K.*, and L. Harris. 2011. The modeling and evaluation of wild rice Zizania aquatica particle capture at Jug Bay, Maryland . ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, San Juan, PR

Rosas, R.* and J. Testa. 2017. Quantifying net transport and transformation of carbon and nutrients in the Delaware Bay estuary . Coastal Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Meeting, Providence, RI

Rosener, B.* and L. Plough. 2016. Assessment of fitness between cryptic species of Acartia tonsa in the Chesapeake Bay area in relation to hypoxia exposure . Clemson University College of Science Undergraduate Research Showcase, Clemson, SC

Rubiano-Gomez, L.*, L. P. Sanford, and M. Yates. 2004. Sizes and settling speeds of suspended particles in the Chesapeake Bay estuarine turbidity maximum . ASLO/TOS Ocean Research Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii

Saliger, O.L.*, J.M. O'Neil, and M. Ross. 2019. Changes in phytoplankton biomass and composition in coastal Maryland due to eutrophicationand temperature increase. Coastal Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Meeting, Mobile, AL

Sanchez, D.*, S. Keller, J. O'Neil, and M. Owens. 2023. Sediment provides limiting nutrients for benthic cyanobacteria nitrogen fixation in a recovering submersed aquatic vegetation. Coastal Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Meeting, Portland, OR

Sánchez-Viruet, I. C.*, and P. M. Glibert. 2015. Response of phytoplankton community to nutrient quality and quantity change in Maryland/Virginia Coastal Bays . ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Granada, Spain

Sanders, A.*, T. Fisher, and R. Fox. 2017. Evaluating the effectiveness of drainage control structures in agricultural fields . Coastal Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Meeting, Providence, RI

Santos-Corujo, S.*. 2007. A comparison of microbial pathogen bioaccumulation in Crassotrea virginica and Crassostrea ariakensis. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Sarkodee-Adoo, J.*, R. R. Hood, and M. A. Sexton. 2008. The effects of temperature on scyphomedusan Chrysaora quinquecirrha swimming and mortality. ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida

Schaeffer, E.*, J. Testa, Y. Gel, and V. Lyubchich. 2017. Enhanced data analysis using modern dynamic spatio-temporal clustering . ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii

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