Eight students will be presenting the summer work at the Ocean Sciences Meeting in March 2022!
The Maryland Sea Grant bookstore is closed from December 10 to January 3.
A number of students have presented the results of their summer research at scientific conferences; students have also been co-authors in scientific papers with their advisors. The list below is a snapshot of some of student publications and presentations.
The REU students are indicated with an asterisk (*).
Voytek, M., E. Lessard, E. Peele, M. Murrell, and B. Crump*. 1992. Bactivory in an Amazon floodplain lake . ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Walters, J.*, and C. Mitchelmore. 2006. Assessing the acute and sublethal effects of oil and dispersed oil sensitive Cnidarian-algal symbiosis . ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii
Weiss, G.*, G. McManus, and H. R. Harvey. 1993. Development and lipid composition of the harpacticoid copepod, Nitocra spinipes, reared on different diets. Benthic Ecology Meeting, Mobile, Alabama
Wessel, B. M.* and M. R. Williams. 2015. Factors responsible for the development of iron flocculate in streams with and without regenerative stormwater conveyance (RSC) structures . ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Granada, Spain
Wessel, B.* and M. Williams. 2015. Regenerative stormwater conveyances: Novel ecosystems exhibiting iron flocculate formation may be altering metal biogeochemical cycles . 100th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, MD
Wessel, B.*, and M. Williams. 2014. Factors responsible for the development of Fe flocculate in streams with and without Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance (RSC) structures . Council on Undergraduate Research, Research Experiences for Undergraduates Symposium, Arlington, Virginia
Wilkinson, E.*, A. Robillard, H. Bailey, and V. Lyubchich. 2022. Automated identification of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) individuals using signature whistles. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Virtual
Williams, A.*, D. Liang, and C. Rowe. 2020. The Temperature Inside the Nests of the Diamondback Terrapin, Malaclemys terrapin, and Its Relationship with the Air Temperature of the Nesting Site.. Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, CA
Wise, A.*, D. Davis, D. Breitburg, and J. Ambler. 2000. Effect of prey abundance (Acartia tonsa) on growth rates of a top invertebrate ctenophore predator (Mnemiopsis leidyi) in a mesocosm study. Benthic Ecology Meeting, Wilmington, North Carolina
Woodard, N.*, M. Gray, and W. Nardin. 2020. Greening the Grey: Integrating Oysters to Enhance Grey Infrastructure Effectiveness Against Sea Level Rise. Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, CA
Wright, A.*, V. Coles, M. Brooks. 2018. Effects of physical inertia on Sargassum distribution and growth. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR
Yates, M.*, and L. Sanford. 2003. Characterizing suspended sediments in the estuarine turbidity maximum zone of the Chesapeake Bay . ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah
Young, K.* and J. Schijf. 2023. Effects of siderophore-promoted oxidation on the interpretation of the Ce paleoredox proxy. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Palma de Mallorca, Spain