Due to inclement weather, Maryland Sea Grants Offices will open at 10am, February 6th.
Oysters are microscopic, free-swimming organisms during the first few weeks of life. Research is underway to determine how environmental factors, like water temperature and salinity level, affect the oyster's ability to change location in the water column during this critical stage of life. Students will determine the swimming speed and the effect, if any, of various environmental factors. [Lesson time: 90 minutes]
1. Make quantitative observations of larval behavior using metric units (mm, cm).
2. Calculate "swimming speed" of oyster larvae using the formula for velocity [V = d/t].
3. Identify patterns in data and the influence of variables.
Student Lab Handout: "Oysters on the Move... Calculating Swimming Speed"
Teacher Notes for swimming speed
Computer with Windows Media Player (or similar) software.
Video Clips of oyster larvae in motion:
Video Clip C
Video Clip D
Video Clip E
Video Clip F
Video Clip G
Video Clip H
"Transparency Ruler"
Wet-Erase marker
Masking tape
Stop watch
STUDENT HANDOUTS: The student handouts (available in the Lesson Materials section) are the property of Ben Schulman but may be modified or adapted as necessary for classroom use by the instructor.
VIDEO DATA CLIPS: The Oyster Larvae Video Clips are the exclusive property of The University of Maryland and Horn Point Laboratory and may only be used in the manner outlined in this educational lesson plan. Video clips may NOT be copied, transferred, nor used in any other manner without written permission from The University of Maryland and Horn Point Laboratory.