Due to inclement weather, Maryland Sea Grants Offices will open at 10am, February 6th.
This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of three major oyster studies at the University of Maryland's Horn Point Laboratory, on larval behavior, predation, and reef formation. The basic objective of these studies is to better understand impact of the Asian oyster on the Eastern oyster and on the overall ecology of the Chesapeake Bay if it were introduced. Since this research is still ongoing, results have not yet been published. [Lesson Time: 30 minutes]
1. To provide a general overview of major oyster studies.
2. To show scientific methods and apparatus -- particularly the Desk-Top Column set-up for the larval behavior studies.
PowerPoint presentation: "Oyster Research at Horn Point Laboratory (Cambridge, MD)"
Computer video projector or computer lab terminals
The PowerPoint presentation, "Oyster Research at Horn Point Laboratory (Cambridge, MD,)" and all digital images contained within are the exclusive property of Ben Schulman, Maryland Sea Grant, and Horn Point Laboratory. The PowerPoint presentation may only be used in the manner outlined in this educational lesson plan. Images and/or photographs may NOT be copied, transferred, nor used in any other manner without written permission from all parties identified above.