Eight students will be presenting the summer work at the Ocean Sciences Meeting in March 2022!
The Maryland Sea Grant bookstore is closed from December 10 to January 3.
A number of students have presented the results of their summer research at scientific conferences; students have also been co-authors in scientific papers with their advisors. The list below is a snapshot of some of student publications and presentations.
The REU students are indicated with an asterisk (*).
Rowe, C., A. Heyes, and J. Hilton*. 2011. Differential patterns of accumulation and depuration of dietary selenium and vanadium during metamorphosis in the gray treefrog (Hyla versicolor). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 60:336-342
Sanford, L. P., M. Yates, P. Dickhudt, S. Suttles, L. Rubiano-Gomez*, C. T. Friedrichs, and D. D. Fugate. 2004. Variability of suspended particle concentrations, sizes and settling velocities in the Chesapeake Bay turbidity maximum . In I. G. Droppo, G. G. Leppard, P. Liss, and T. Milligan, editors. Flocculation in Natural and Engineered Environmental Systems. CRC Press, LLC, Boca Raton, Florida
Schaeffer, E.*, J. Testa, Y. Gel, and V. Lyubchich. 2016. On information criteria for dynamic spatio-temporal clustering . In A. Banerjee et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Climate Informatics: CI 2016. NCAR Technical Note NCAR/TN-529+PROC, p. 5-8. DOI: 10.5065/D6K072N6
Scharping, R.J.*, L. Plough, D.W. Merritt, and E.W. North. 2019. Low-salinity tolerance of early-stage oyster larvae from a mesohaline estuary . Marine Ecology Progress Series: 613, 97-106, https://doi.org/10.3354/meps12905
Schijf, J. and I. Christy*. 2018. Effect of Mg and Ca on the stability of the MRI contrast agent Gd–DTPA in seawater . Frontiers in Marine Science, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00111
Schijf, J. and S. M. Burns*. 2016. Determination of the side-reaction coefficient of desferrioxamine B in trace-metal-free seawater . Frontiers in Marine Science, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2016.00117
Schijf, J., and A. M. Ebling*. 2010. Investigation of the ionic strength dependence of Ulva lactuca acid functional group pK(a)s by manual alkalimetric titrations . Environmental Science & Technology 44:1644-1649
Schijf, J., E. A. Christenson and K. J. Potter*. 2015. Different binding modes of Cu and Pb vs. Cd, Ni, and Zn with the trihydroxamate siderophore desferrioxamine B at seawater ionic strength . Marine Chemistry 173:40-51
Secor, D. H., T. E. Gunderson, and K. Karlsson*. 2000. Effects of salinity and temperature on growth performance on anadromous (Chesapeake Bay) and non-anadromous (Santee-Cooper) strains of striped bass Morone saxatilis . Copeia 2000:291-296
Sexton, M., R. Hood, J. Sarkodee-Adoo*, and A. Liss*. 2010. Response of Chrysaora quinquecirrha medusae to low temperature . Hydrobiologia 645:125-133
Smith, K. A.*, E. W. North, F. Shi, S. Chen, R. R. Hood, E. W. Koch, and R. I. E. Newell. 2009. Modeling the effects of oyster reefs and breakwaters of seagrass growth . Estuaries and Coasts 32:748-757
Stickney, H. L.*, R. R. Hood, and D. K. Stoecker. 2000. The impact of mixotrophy on planktonic trophic dynamics in marine ecosystems . Ecological Modeling 125:203-230
Stoecker, D. K., A. Long*, S. E. Suttles, and L. P. Sanford. 2006. Effect of small-scale shear on grazing and growth of the dinoflagellate Pfiesteria piscicida . Harmful Algae 5:407-418
Stoecker, D. K., A. S. Li, D. W. Coats, D. E. Gustafson, and M. K. Nannen*. 1997. Mixotrophy in the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum . Marine Ecology Progress Series 152:1-12
Studholme, K.R.*. 2011. A multifaceted approach to investigating nutrient anomalies near Johnson Bay, Maryland coastal bays, USA . St. Mary's College Senior Thesis
Timko, S.A., A. Maydanov*, S.A. Pittelli*, M.H. Conte, W.J. Cooper, B.P. Koch, P. Schmitt-Kopplin, and M. Gonsior. 2015. Depth-dependent photodegradation of marine dissolved organic matter . Frontiers in Marine Science
Weiss, G. M.*, G. B. McManus, and H. R. Harvey. 1996. Development and lipid composition of the harpacticoid copepod Nitocra spinipes reared on different diets. Marine Ecology Progress Series 132:57-61
Wicks, E. C., E. W. Koch, J. M. O'Neil, and K. Elliston*. 2009. Effects of sediment organic content and hydrodynamic conditions on the growth and distribution of Zostera marina . Marine Ecology Progress Series 378:71-80
Williams, M., B. Wessel*, S. Filoso. 2016. Sources of iron (Fe) and factors regulating the development of flocculate from Fe-oxidizing bacteria in regenerative streamwater conveyance structures . Ecological Engineering 95:723–737
Woodland, R., D. Secor, and M. Wedge*. 2011. Trophic resource overlap between small elasmobranchs and sympatric teleosts in Mid-Atlantic Bight nearshore habitats . Estuaries and Coasts 34:391-404