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Student Research Papers and Presentations

student looking into bowl with estuarine creature

A number of students have presented the results of their summer research at scientific conferences; students have also been co-authors in scientific papers with their advisors. The list below is a snapshot of some of student publications and presentations.

The REU students are indicated with an asterisk (*).


Xu, Y-Y., S. Pearson*, and K. H. Kilbourne. 2015. Assessing coral Sr/Ca–SST calibration techniques using the species Diploria strigosa. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 440:353-362

Zelenke, J. J., J. Stevenson*, and J. C. Cornwell. 1994. Deposition of inorganic and organic phosphorus in Maryland tidal marshes: a primary analysis . In Toward a Sustainable Coastal Watershed: The Chesapeake Experiment. Chesapeake Research ConsortiumPublication 149:630 - 633

Zhao, Z., M. Gonsior, J. Luek, S. Timko, H. Ianiri*, N. Hertkorn, P. Schmitt-Kopplin, X. Fang, Q. Zeng, N. Jiao and F. Chen. 2017. Picocyanobacteria and deep-ocean fluorescent dissolved organic matter share similar optical properties . Nature Communications 8, 15284 doi:10.1038/ncomms15284

Zhao, Z; Gonsior, M; Luek, J; Timko, S; Ianiri, H; Hertkorn, N; Schmitt-Kopplin, P; Fang, XT; Zeng, QL; Jiao, NZ; Chen, F. 2017. Picocyanobacteria and deep-ocean fluorescent dissolved organic matter share similar optical properties. . Nature Communications

Zorach, A. C.*, and R. E. Ulanowicz. 2003. Quantifying the complexity of flow networks: How many roles are there? . Complexity 8:68-76


Aceves, A.* and J. Pierson. 2016. Mixotrophy in the winter bloom-forming Heterocapsa rotundata: Quantifying grazing rates using two methodologies . Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana

Aceves, A.*, J. Pierson, and N. Millette. 2015. Measuring grazing rates of the winger bloom-forming Heterocapsa rotundata using 2 methodologies . SACNAS Annual Meeting, Washington, District of Columbia

Adolf, J. E., M. E. Mallonee, W. D. Miller, M. Hoover*, and L. W. Harding Jr. 2004. Integrating phytoplankton indicators: relationships between phytoplankton floral compositions and size structure in Chesapeake Bay . EPA All EAGLES Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota

Adolf, J. E., M. E. Mallonee, W. D. Miller, M. Hoover*, J. Benjamin, and L. W. Harding. 2003. Phytoplankton indicators in two differentially impacted sub-estuaries of Chesapeake Bay . EPA all-EAGLES meeting, Bodega Marine Laboratory, Bodega Bay, California

Almodovar, L.*, and L. Harris. 2009. Sediment dynamics at Jug Bay wetland sanctuary, Maryland . Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation 20th Biennial Conference, Portland, Oregon

Aragon, S.*, M. Doherty, and B. Crump. 2011. Microbial community dynamics in seasonally anoxic waters of the Chesapeake Bay. . ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Arbuckle, H.* and L. Harris. 2021. Land use and nitrogen loading in Calvert County tidal creeks. Coastal Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Meeting, Virtual

Autrey, O.*, R.J. Woodland, and L.V. Plough. 2019. Fecundity and genetic differences of Neomysis americana in two tributaries of Chesapeake Bay. Coastal Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Meeting, Mobile, AL

Barnett, A.*, and D. Stoecker. 2000. The effect of humic substances on dinoflagellate population growth . ASLO/AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Antonio, Texas

Bercow, D.* and H. Kilbourne. 2023. Settlement of mustard hill coral (Porites astreoides) on carbon-efficient alternative concretes. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Bjork, S.*, and H. Macintyre. 2003. The effects of glucose on the growth irradiance and light absorption of the estuarine cryptophyte Storeaula major. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah

Blackwood, S.*, V. Lyubchich, J. Grebmeier, and L. Cooper. 2024. Time series clustering of Arctic water column and benthic community data with dynamic time warping. Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA

Boardman, A.*, J. O'Neil, A. Guastafson, and K. Sellner. 2014. Cyanobacteria succession and nitrogen fixation in a eutrophic restored wetland system within Chesapeake Bay . Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii

Bock, M.* , C. L. Fitzgerald and M. R. Roman. 2015. Effects of environmental oxygen partial pressure on nauplii respiration rates of the planktonic copepod, Acartia tonsa . ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Granada, Spain

Bonilla, J.* and J. Testa. 2017. Modeling the response to nutrient load reductions in shallow coastal ecosystems . ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii

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