Our Students and Their Research

REU 2023

You may search for students by class year and keywords found in the student's name, university, project title or abstract. Our first class was in 1989.

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Project: Development and Implementation of a Precise Mobile Device Measuring Atmospheric Ammonia and Ammonium Aerosols Throughout Southeast Maryland
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Project: Effect of Salinity on Growth Rates and Survival of Juvenile Chesapeake Bay White Perch, Morone americana
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Project: Sub-Lethal Effects of Contaminants on Leptocheirus plumulosis
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Project: Carnivorous Feeding Preferences Exhibited by Adult Copepods Acartia tonsa and Eurytemora affinis
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Project: What Levels of Turbulence Affect Pfiesteria piscicida's Ability to Graze
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Project: Predation and Selectivity of Mysid Neomysis americana on Copepods, Rotifers and Phytoplankton
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Project: Use of Artificial Substrates to Predict Habitat Suitability for SAV Restoration
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Project: The Ability of Various Sized Oyster Spat to Withstand Increasing Degrees of Dessication
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Project: The Effects of Population Densities and Behavior of Macoma balthica on Nutrient Exchange and Primary Production in Coastal Sediments
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Project: Analysis of Size-Specific Total Mercury Concentrations in Predatory Fish of Maryland Reservoirs
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Project: Fine Scale Vertical Distribution of Zooplankton in an Estuarine System
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Project: Sediment Disturbance and its Effect on Methylmercury
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Project: Chemotactic Rresponse of Mercenaria mercenaria Hemocytes to Labyrinthilomycota spp. In Vitro
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Project: Stimulative Effects of Sediment Pore Water and Defined Organic Compounds on the Growth of Prorocentrum minimum Populations
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Project: Comparison and Specificity of Two Methods for Determining Urea in Estuarine Water
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Project: Effects of Varying Salinity Stress on Fecundity, Survivorship and Population Dynamics of the Calaniod Copepod Eurytemora affinis
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Project: Investigation of the Effects of Contaminated Sediments on Three Species of Estuarine Macro-Invertebrates
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Project: Spatial Distribution of Adult Copepods and Cladocera In and Around the Chesapeake Bay Estuarine Turbidity Maximum
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Project: Effects of Harmful Algal Blooms on the Reproductive Success and Somatic Growth of Acartia tonsa in the Chesapeake Bay

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