On the Bay


A blog from Chesapeake Quarterly magazine

Heron and hawk along the shore of the Chesapeake Bay


From Science to Policy: Maryland Sea Grant welcomes three new fellows

Rona Kobell •

Maryland Sea Grant (MDSG) has welcomed three new science fellows this year who have embedded in state agencies and organizations to better address climate change throughout Maryland.


The Coastal Farming Challenges Workshops: From the perspective of a notetaker

Elissa Torres-Soto •

When I was asked if I was interested in being a notetaker for the Coastal Farming Challenges workshops hosted by Maryland Sea Grant, I immediately said yes without fully knowing what my duties entailed. And I am glad that I did. Read more...

A Host with the Most: Raising Maryland’s spotted salamander larvae, students study a unique example of symbiosis

Wendy Mitman Clarke •

“Ah, man. I lost him.” Carter Ruby, a junior at Westminster High School, sighs and reaches into the 10-gallon aquarium tank again, a petri dish gripped carefully in his fingers. Beside him, junior Bella Diaz laughs and bends over her own petri dish, this one placed precisely on gridded paper. Read more...

Maryland Sea Grant Welcomes Aquaculture Projects Coordinator Jim LaChance

Rona Kobell •

Growing up on Cape Ann, north of Boston between Massachusetts and Ipswich Bays, Jim LaChance seemed to always have one foot on the land and the other in the water.


Mysterious Mysids: Maryland Sea Grant-funded scientists are using innovative methods to study this elusive but important Bay shrimp species.

Wendy Mitman Clarke •

For such a small creature, mysids—Neomysis americana, also known as opossum shrimp—can be a big challenge to study in the Chesapeake Bay. This wouldn’t be a problem if they also didn’t pack such an outsized wallop in terms of their importance in coastal food webs.


The Blue Crab: Callinectes Sapidus

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