On the Bay


A blog from Chesapeake Quarterly magazine

Heron and hawk along the shore of the Chesapeake Bay


Behind the Scenes: Getting the shot takes teamwork

Maryland Sea Grant •

Making the invisible visible is an important, yet challenging, part of sharing science. It’s one our communications team recently took on with Assistant Director for Education J. Adam Frederick to determine the best method for capturing images of microplastics in a laboratory setting at the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology (IMET) in Baltimore, Maryland.


Eggs-traordinary discovery: Carroll County high school science research produces a first

Wendy Mitman Clarke •

All winter long, four of Judy Plaskowitz’s students—seniors at South Carroll High School in Sykesville, Maryland—have tended two enormous tanks behind the school’s Career and Technology Building, hoping the yellow perch (Perca flavescens) inside could successfully over-winter Read more...

Building capacity—and experience—through my time with Maryland Sea Grant

Eva May •

It’s 9 a.m. in Baltimore, I’ve had too much coffee, and I’m nervous. I walk up to the podium, and with encouraging nods from my colleagues, give a brief—and I mean brief—introductory spiel about a project I’ve spent the better part of a year working on. I look around, seeing largely unfamiliar faces from local government offices, nonprofit organizations, and academic institutions. Read more...

Some Like it Hot: Oysters spawn in the summer, so hatcheries convince them that it’s summertime

Rona Kobell •

Oysters living within the cozy confines of a hatchery here in Maryland wouldn’t ordinarily get in the mood on Valentine’s Day. It’s cold outside, and bivalves like summer loving.


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